Wednesday 29 September 2010

The Art of Happy Attitude

When I came out of my house this morning I was greeted by a neighbour with
"hmmmm pretty grim day today," I'm sure she was refering to the weather, but the comment was all encompassing.
"Last year it was freezing by this time of year," I replied with a smile "and it's dry."
"Looks like it will rain soon," was the retort......

Whilst we don't always have a choice in the weather or the situation we find ourselves in, we do have a choice in our response. Choosing a positive response to the first stimulus of the day has a knock on effect for the rest of the day and beyond.

This seems, on the one hand, to be basic and obvious and, on the other, it is something which we pay very little attention to and consequently forget to do when going about our daily business. So often, we follow our usual, habitual "gut" response when a bit of thought and a different "way" might serve us (and those around us) much better.

Taking the time (about a second) to actively choose between your habitual response and an alternative is something you might like to consider. You never know, it might make all the difference to your day.