Sunday, 11 October 2009

Great bread and Allotment woes

Wow, I just can't believe how lucky we are to be able to get such delicious food nearby. I've been splashing out on bread from The Handmade Bakery recently and I don't think I'll ever be able to eat cardboard bread again. It's just in a totally different taste league. Luckily the kids and even hubby seem to prefer supermarket bread and we can afford the odd loaf of the handmade variety.

This weekend has seen us yet again clashing in our goals to 1. save the planet and 2. raise a young family. As per usual, the allotment has suffered. We started out with great intentions and then our little one got a fluey cold and those good intentions turned to custard. We have enlisted the help of a friend, so next year should be better than this, and we remain determined that one day in the not too distant future we will have our plot looking like our neighbours (and he'll be asking us for advice ;-), but for the time being, we do our best and it never seems to be quite good enough. We've had some decent onions and french beans, but keeping on top of the slug problem around here is more than we are up to. Apparently they don't like leeks and so we've got a whole load of overwintering leeks in for the spring.

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