Soooooooo it's been toooooo tooooooo long since I posted here and any of you who were reading me have probably disappeared off to do your own saving of the planet by now.... which is not such a bad thing. Anyhow, I'm back from a long cold winter (not that we can definitely count it as over in these parts, but I'm optimistic) and thinking about getting out onto the alottment, into the garden and starting the growing season off with a good amount of wonderful homemade compost and digging power.
I've been reading a great book called The Edible Garden (it's on my book list over there on the right) which pointed me in the direction of a fabulous website "Punk Rock Permaculture"..... lots about Haiti on it at the moment and if you dig into the archive you'll find loads of fascinating stuff. We're also considering doing some No Dig gardening in some builders bags we've managed to rescue from the garbage heap. Empty builders bags seem to be left around all over the place and they make great, cheap, low effort raised beds. There is a great website on no dig gardening here and a fab page on how to layer stuff to make it. When you're the mum or dad of a busy family this looks like the way to go to me.
I hope you're all having your own new awakenings and are fresh out of hibernation to start a new spring. Looking forward to keeping y'all up to date with my gardening endeavours. Ciao for now.
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