Monday, 17 January 2011

Blimey oh riley

The ducks have had a hard time of it in Slaithwaite!

As winter bites, it becomes trickier to save energy, the prospect of driving rather than taking public transport and of turning on/up the heating rather than leaving it off seem the only options. As I talk to the older people in our community however they provide real tips for being more eco friendly..... they go to the library or go out for coffee when it's cold, they cook a big casserole up during the day when they are in so that they are heating the kitchen, they stay in one or two rooms and turn off the radiators in the rest of the house. I have to admit we are doing most of this in our house already.... it's the way I was brought up, if you were cold you were told to put on another jumper, and it wasn't unknown for us to be wandering around inside wearing hats and fingerless gloves. I'm not suggesting we all do this, but lots of houses I go into are stinking hot.

It has to be said, there is nothing to make the inside warmer than a good bracing walk outside in the cold....... spend an hour outside getting some good exercise and you won't need the heating on for a good while when you get back!!! Triple whammy - bit of exercise, lower energy bills and better for the environment.

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