Monday, 21 September 2009

Food for free

We have been gradually filling up the freezer this autum with pounds and pounds of blackberries. The kids are loving foraging the country lanes and have come home every time with many more inside them than in the pot - blackberries are a great source of vit c, so I'm not at all bothered. We get some looks from my pristine next door neighbour whose kids are always immaculate when we turn up back home all covered in purple juice ;-)

Usually in the summer we manage to make some elderflower cordial, but we seem to have missed it this year. In the spring we use the new buds of nettles to make soup - fantastic with a couple of carrots and potatoes and a bit of stock and even better if you've managed to grab a handful of wild garlic too.

I'm hoping to learn enough about mushrooms to be safe picking them and on holiday this summer I fried up some seaweed which would have been delicious if I had worked out a way to get ALL the sand off - a bit gritty without the use of a power hose ;-)

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