Saturday, 19 September 2009

What a great place to live......

As I'm writing this blog, I'm realising how lucky we are to live in this area. We live in West Yorkshire and our council, Kirklees, oversees some areas which have no eco initiatives at all and some (like our valley) which are full of people doing their best for the environment. Our kids school is currently working hard to put a proposal together for a Green Flag, we have the Green Valley Grocer's which I've mentioned before and the two villages of the valley are also part of the Transition Towns movement.

I'd love to be fully involved and at the moment I get to as many things as I can. It's just not practical though to take two under 5's to a community orchard clearance especially when we struggle enough to find the time to cultivate our allotment (more on that another time). The kids have just been asked to model at an ethical fashion show in November which will be great fun and I'm busy running up skirts for it from Uncle Malcolm's old trousers. We shall no doubt take the catwalk by storm ;-)

The balance between looking after the family and making a positive difference in the community is a tricky one and one which I'm not sure we're totally in equilibrium on yet.

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